Voice activist: High Court to step in if government won’t hear the Voice
As Australians, we all want better outcomes for our Indigenous brothers and sisters.
We want a stop to domestic violence and child abuse in remote towns.
We want a stop to alcohol and drug addiction issues that are holding back the employment of Indigenous Australians.
We want a stop to the lack of jobs and industry in rural and regional Australia.
The list goes on…
But Albanese’s Indigenous Voice to Parliament is NOT the solution.
It will throw a spanner into the works of your parliament and your government on a scale that’s never before been seen in this country.
The Voice would make helping Indigenous Australians even harder.
Marcia Langton, who was part of the activist committee who designed the Voice to Parliament, let the cat out of the bag yesterday on ABC Radio.
“Why would we restrict the Voice to representations that can’t be challenged in court?” she told a Melbourne audience.
Langton’s response?
“That’s a possibility. And why wouldn’t we want that to be the case,” she said.
“The Voice has to be able to give advice. If nothing that the Voice says is subject to the ordinary laws of Australia, in other words, it’s completely gutted and has no safe standing, if you like, then the government can ignore all of the Voice’s decisions with impunity.”
Read that again…
The activist who designed the Voice to Parliament says that if your democratically elected government makes a decision without “listening to the Voice”, they could be taken to the High Court.
The Prime Minister tells us the Voice will be a “modest” change to our Constitution.
But the truth is that it will exert a political power unlike anything before seen in our nation.
So far, we have very little detail about the Voice.
And as the details are slowly drip-fed to Australians, it becomes clearer that the Voice could be not so much a third chamber of parliament, but a second Cabinet.
It appears that the designers of the Voice want it to have such a high-standing, that legislation can’t be passed or government decisions made without it.
And if the Voice is ignored, the designers want to have the power to take the government to the High Court.
They want you to think the Voice is just a feel-good “request”, a “modest” change to the Constitution.
But don’t let you fool them.
This is way bigger than they are letting on.
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